TRANSLATION-INTERPRETING WORLDS: What is Literary Translation? -->

Thursday, 8 June 2023

What is Literary Translation?

 What is Literary Translation?

Literary Translation is a type of translation (Specialization field at University) and a type of translating (Process) of a specific type of texts which are called literary texts. They are described as literary, because they are characterized by specific features that make them different from other types of texts which are called general or technical texts. These features reflect aesthetic, artistic and cultural nuances. The list of literary texts includes prose and poetry texts such as novels, novellas, short stories, plays, poems, etc. Most of them are based on fiction, even when they are inspired by the real world. The process of translating could start with 'a wish' to share 'something' with the readers; therefore, the selection of literary works that are worth translating depends on the value assigned to it in a given context.

People enjoy literary texts in their written and audio formats. The choice depends on the purpose of the readers and listeners who may have different profiles and different aims.

Literary works, in their original formats and in their adaptations, could be enjoyed for entertainment goals, but they could also be exploited for academic and professional purposes.

As Literature is a form of creative writing that reflects the specific features of literary texts, Literary Translation is also a complex and subjective form of creative writing. Basically, Literary Translation consists in taking the literary text from the Source Language (SL) and giving it a second life in the Target Language (TL). However, there are many criteria for success in Literary Translation. 

  • Language mastery. That is to say, being a wordsmith in both the SL and the TL. Literary translators must be highly skilled in both the SL and the TL. Literary translators do not translate just the meanings of words literally, but they consider a lot of aspects such as style, tone and voice which give the target literary text its flavor and melody.
  • Idiomaticity: Wordplay is a real challenge as It is sometimes part and parcel of the literary work.
  • Cultural sensitivity. Translating culture-bound items could be an outstanding challenge. Contextualizing the target items in a different culture requires research and skills.

The quality of the target literary text is measured by Its:

  • Faithfulness and creativity. Being faithful to the ST without neglecting the necessity of being creative. Comparative studies analyze both the ST and TT to determine whether all the aspects and features have been considered in the translating process. Literary translators claim that Artificial Intelligence will never replace them in this regard.
  • Impact. Ultimately, only the impact of the target text on the target readers. It is difficult to be measured, because statistics on readership are not available in some countries.

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