TRANSLATION-INTERPRETING WORLDS: Translation Project Management -->
Showing posts with label Translation Project Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Translation Project Management. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Visual Localization tools for newbies

Free CAT tools videos for newbies

Learning through videos could be a step before deciding on the CAT Tool you would like to use. We have curated for you many videos which will introduce you to the main features of the CAT Tools available in the market. Click on the external links below to watch some videos for free:

SDL Trados Tutorials

MemoQ Tutorials

MateCat Tutorials

OmegaT Tutorials

Across Tutorials

Here is a link to a website which I recommend for any newbie.

The website offers 21 videos absolutely free. Unfortunately, you cannot download them, you have to watch them online. So, just take notes!

The videos will help you to compare the available CAT tools with a very easy-to-follow narrated video presentations. Watch how each tool performs the same task: translating a simple Word document. 

Follow the link below, select the CAT tools, then click on the tool icon to see more information.


There is also a premium content that you can watch and download if you register.