Showing posts with label University Degrees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label University Degrees. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Subtitling & Post-Editing Projects

Follow the external links below to watch on youtube the videos subtitled and post-edited by my students as part of their courses' assignments in the Master's programme at the UB2. These projects are short and deal with different themes each time.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

What is Machine Translation?

Machine Translation simply means automated translation. This term is used versus the term Human Translation, i.e. translation which is produced by human translators.

Here is a playlist of videos which introduces you to the topic of Machine Translation.
Access the Playlist here: Machine Translation

Click on this external link to download an application that provides free MT:

Monday, 17 February 2020

Free CAT Tools Tutorials

In addition to the mastery of languages, the practice of translation requires the mastery of at least one CAT Tool. In order to get started, there are a lot of free tutorials which would help you master the basics of CAT Tools. Follow the links below to benefit for free from our selection of tutorials of the main tools in the Translation Industry:

Selections of introductory videos to this topic are curated here:

Check the label CAT Tools out for updates on relative topics.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Audiovisual Translation (Studies & Industry)

               The world of Audiovisual Translation is vast.


          If you are keen to learn more, check our previous posts via the label: Audiovisual Translation or watch the playlists curated for you. The first is entitled Audiovisual Translation Worlds. You will find a set of videos which have been selected and organized to introduce you to the wide range of areas in this field. The second playlist is focused on Audiovisual Translation Challenges.

          If you have any questions or you need more explanation, do not hesitate to get in touch or leave your comments below

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Audiovisual Translation for Newbies

Audiovisual Translation is a big world which provides many outlets for would-be translators. Each of its types will be fully investigated in out upcoming posts. Thus, in addition to subtitling which is well-known, we will cover other forms such as transcription, audiodescription, voice-over and dubbing. 

If you want to quickly explore how the world of Audiovisual Translation is amazing and amusing, visit our playslist of videos on audiovisual Translation Challenges

You may want to explore university programmes here: AVT programmes playlists on youtube.

Sample projects can be watched here: Audiodescription Projects ; Subtitling Projects

Besides, you may want to take a look at our playlists of videos where promotional videos of universities worldwide providing different types of programmes and trainings are curated.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated. So, keep asking questions! Check this post out later for more info or subscribe to get the newsletter of this blog in your inbox.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Translation and Interpreting for Newbies

This post attempts, through the supportive videos, to answer the question many newbies ask regarding the difference between translation and interpreting. It also introduces them to many sub-fields which are acquiring interest and are being recognized as independant areas because of their distinct skills in terms of training. The mastery of these skills will enable the trainees to obtain the qualifications needed to practice at a professional level.

Basically, translation is written and interpreting is oral. However, this is not the only difference and these are not the only forms taught to satisfy the needs of the industry. The videos which I am curating in this playlist provide a general introduction to the fields of translation and interpreting.

You may want to take a look at another playlist where I curated promotional videos of universities worldwide providing different types of programmes and trainings.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated. So, keep asking questions! Check this post later for more info or subscribe to get the newsletter of this blog in your inbox.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Translation Programmes in France

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris3/ Ecole Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs (ESIT)

- Master 1 Traduction et Terminologie Juridiques et Financières

- Master 2 Recherche en Traductologie

- Master Professionnel: Interprétation de Conférence

- Master Professionnel: Interprétation français/langue des signes française et LAS/français

- Master Professionnel: Traduction éditoriale, économique et technique

-DU Traducteur-interprète judiciaire

- Certificat de Méthodologie de la traduction

Follow the link to find the list of all the programmes: University Programmes

Monday, 12 August 2013

Translation Programmes in Canada

  • Canada:

  • Post-graduate programmes:

  1. York University’s MA program in translation:


For more info about the university programmes which are available worldwide, follow the link below:

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Translation in the UK

  • THE UK:


- MA Translation:
- MA Conference Interpreting:
- Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Interpreting:
- Postgraduate Certificate in Interpreting (Health):
- PG Certificate in Translation & Technology:

For more info about the university programmes which are available worldwide, follow the link below: